Monday, July 14, 2008

Another San Diego Weekend

The end of last week had an ominous tone toward it as we've had some layoffs at work. In fact I believe it was officially dubbed Black Friday at work. First off I have to say however, the new commute is absolutely AMAZING! Changing from 45 minutes to get to work to 5 minutes has been absolutely awesome. And fortunately I'm still in the mode of getting up a little earlier, so it just makes my arrival times at work earlier which is good all around because then I have been getting out earlier as well.
Anyhow, back to these layoffs it's really not a pretty scene at the old cubicles. We start off Friday with our traditional Friday morning meetings headed by our fearless leader. Then it proceeded into an analogy of how we as a company are on a "diet." So the whole mentality around work was really bad all day on Friday. However, there are multiple things which really suck about this which I am havnig a hard time with. First off we weren't just letting go of some 17 year old kids who were doing this to get through school and pay to go to the mall, these are people with families, kids, mortgages and bills. So anyhow that hasn't been too good, then more selfishly, I can't help but have on my mind how more job duties will be headed my way after this change. Particularly they have laid off our Customer Service person, not to put this in perspective, this is EVERY email and phone call which we receive from anyone who calls "Corporate" to complain about anything. Great, this will be fun. Now this is not to say I'm not capable, but first off they're just going to incorporate her job entirely into me, and I'm fairly certain she herself was making more money than me alone, now I'll get her job duties and still be stuck at my salary. This brings total duties to:
System Administrator for: Epitome, Core, Daylight, BI, Cognos and all HotelFactoy, including Rate Loading.
WebMaster for the entire webpage. This includes all content, as well as pictures, including resizing images, cropping images, ligtening and darkening photo's the likes.
Recent mastery includes having to learn Google Ad Words, SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
This is not to forget about my daily tasks of the extracts from Epitome, uploading DayStar, doing the Weekly report, invoicing all GDS bills.
They're lucky I'm this dang good, thats all really. I churn in and out at least 100+ emails a day.

I say all this primarily because my years review is due tomorrow, and I'm motivating myself to demand a raise.
Thats right, I have officially been in San Diego, as a Financial Analyst a full year now. Hard to believe really, it has flown by. I'll have to update with highlights and lowlights in the coming week as a year anniversary to San Diego. Off to sleep to have another day in paradise tomorrow.

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