Sunday, January 3, 2010

Torrey Pines / Poinsettia Bowl

For me this year, the holiday's started on the evening of December 22nd upon Riley's arrival into San Diego.
We hit the ground running upon Riley's arrival and really made quite the time of it in the 30ish hours he was in town.
Arrival late on the 22nd, to some home cooked Pasta and Meatballs, not my best creation by far, but it got the job done for my wearied traveler buddy.
Ran presents out to my Cousin Jen and then headed back into PB where we hit the bars for maybe an hour, but then decided that we had a big day ahead of us and didn't want to be getting home too late. (Hilarious side-story, we later were reading about the up-coming match-up of Cal vs. Utah in the Poinsettia bowl, in which Cal's coach was "Tightening up" standards for the team and changing his Curfew time from 4am to 2am before the game to get his team some rest.) Anyhow, we were home around midnight and crashed soon there after. Hit the ground running in the morning with a little breakfast, then hiked Torrey Pines and took in some beautiful coast lines and sunshine. Followed by picking up our tickets to the football game at Qualcomm (Field Level, Section F8, Row 23, Seats 1 & 2 - Phenomenal seats) Followed by some Frisbee Golf at Balboa Park which was a great time except for there being about a million people there.

 The La Jolla shores looking down from Torrey Pines.

Looking South from Torrey Pines over the La Jolla shores taking in some of the amazing coastline.

Another shot looking South over the La Jolla shores with a little bird pirched in the brush here.


Me and Riley at the Poinsettia Bowl game, Utah vs Cal

Holding up the number 9 for number of Consecutive Bowl wins for the University of Utah!