Thursday, July 22, 2010

Utah Weekend Rodeo & Reunion

Wow, so honestly this was one of the most fun weekends I've had in ages.  And I've had some great weekends!
Brought Ashley home to meet my sister finally for the first time, and was able to meet up with a bunch of friends and all go to the rodeo as well, made for a great weekend!

 Me and Ashley at Kareoke @ Habitz in Utah

The Tri-Fector re-united years after their last reunion, good to see these gentlemen!

Went up to Snowbird with my Sister and her BF Andy, swam in the pool, hung out in the hot tub up there, it was amazing.

My sister and Ashley in their matching team 'Move to the Mountains' t-shirts!

Me and Ashley at the Lehi Roundup 2010
The boys relaxing after the rodeo and an exhausting day of fun.
The good looking ladies from the rodeo that evening!

And that about wraps it up, a great weekend in Utah!

A Milky Experience

So here I am living in our hotel in Rockville for a few weeks.
So I go to get groceries yesterday... get a ton of stuff
This morning I make some cereal pour the milk in and taste it, and it's awful!
I'm like dang this milk must be bad
Check the date, it's definitely not, but smell the milk and it's real bad, so I'm like WTF
Read the label... Buttermilk

Then I think back to the store, and I was wondering like why this one was like a buck cheaper than the like nonfat milk right next to it
But dang they look like the same, just different colored lid! I just thought it was like 1% or something
You would think... this should be delicious, butter + milk
But your thinking would be wrong!  That stuff was horrible
Tasted literally just like spoiled milk
In fact I just poured the whole thing into the sink, and the entire kitchen just smelled absolutely awful for like the next half hour, I about gagged as I was pouring it
It was quite the experience

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lake Havasu Memorial Weekend

For Memorial Weekend we were lucky enough to go to Lake Havasu with Ashley's uncle and a couple family friends, it was a freaking amazing trip.
I don't even know how to explain the type of scene Lake Havasu is for Memorial Weekend, you're crawling around the lake on the boat, because there are sooooo many people there, and as rated by Playboy is the #1 Party location in the country for Memorial Day.  I would say that has to be pretty accurate by the amount of people there, it was absolute mayhem.  However, for most of the weekend, we really just kind of hung around the house and took the boat out a couple times.
Me and Ashley out on the boat.

Driving the boat out at the Lake.

Out on the Sea-Doo after some intense directions on how to not wreck it! :)

On the way home from Havasu we stopped by Ashley's Grandma's house in Palm Desert, it is such an amazing house, right on the edge of the golf course, with an awesome swimming pool and hot tub.  A couple hours into the drive it felt REALLY nice to hop into the pool and relax for a bit and then have dinner with her family.  Made for the nice ending to a great weekend.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gary Visit to San Diego

Man, so this is another retro post, which happened back in late May.
Gary and Atsuki got to come down to San Diego for a quick weekend visit and we were able to take them Wine Tasting and to the Sicilian Festival downtown.

We just did a small local Wine Tasting at the San Diego Wine Company and then had some great burgers at Bangin' Burgers up in Miramar right by where we live up in La Jolla.

After that there was an awesome little Sicilian Festival which apparently according to their web-site now broke attendance records in 2010.  They do some Italian dances, play music and actually had a Sicilian wedding, so it was pretty cool, a good scene.  (Tough break for their World Cup team though this year eh.)  Ashley actually ended up with a pretty cool little art thing that we now have hanging in the kitchen from one of the million little shops they have there.

Friday, July 9, 2010

'The Softball Incident'

Ok so I am just barely getting around to this, and both of these events actually occurred back in May.

  This is the after-math of an unfortunate incident at Sunday afternoon softball one afternoon.
The game starts out just like any other, and it's a good fun game till the last couple innings.  We're up by like 11 runs and the game is all but over, some gets a hit and one of our players in running to score from third but then stops right before the Comit Line (A commit line 20 feet from home plate is used.  Once a player passes the commit line he becomes a force out at home plate.  The defensive player must touch home plate for the out and have the ball in his possession.  The defensive player cannot tag the runner.) then he runs back to third.  The other team throws the ball to home, and the umpire initially calls him Out.  Then we start letting him hear it because you can clearly see where his footprint was, behind the line still.  So then the umpire walks out there, looks at the mark on the ground and changes his own call to Safe!  This sends the other team into chaos.  Namely their second basemen(younger girl approx. age 17) and their right fielder (older lady approx 40ish).  They start going a crazy and calling all of the girls on our team Whores and Slut-Bags.  So one of the girls on our team starts letting them hear it a little back, and their right fielder goes nuts yelling more and saying don't talk to my daughter that way (So it was a mom & daughter combo) and yelling more about Whores and Slut-bags.  So things finally settle down, we end the inning and they quickly bat, then the game ends us winning by a substantial margin.  I'm in the outfield and jogging in, and the rest of the team is going through shaking hands.  About the time I get to the line to shake hands, the older woman just winds up and takes a haymaker punch at the girl on our team.  Her daughter is right behind her and also starts in on the scuffle, to make it those 2 girls against our 1.  It's all happening right in front of me, so I kind of just put my body in between them all, and try to hold back our girl some, for the record the girl on our team most likely would've beaten both of them, but this was not the first fight this crazy mom/daughter combo has been in, so I just tried to get in the way.  Anyhow, I'm trying to hold back our girl, and the younger girl, the 17 year old winds up and nails me pretty solid in the mouth with a punch.  Things finally settle down everyone goes their own ways and here I took the worst damage of anyone in the group with a bloody lip.  Didn't hurt really, it was just pretty humorous more than anything.

So in the image above here I am icing my lip recovering from the hay-maker from the 17 year old crazy girl.