Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Milky Experience

So here I am living in our hotel in Rockville for a few weeks.
So I go to get groceries yesterday... get a ton of stuff
This morning I make some cereal pour the milk in and taste it, and it's awful!
I'm like dang this milk must be bad
Check the date, it's definitely not, but smell the milk and it's real bad, so I'm like WTF
Read the label... Buttermilk

Then I think back to the store, and I was wondering like why this one was like a buck cheaper than the like nonfat milk right next to it
But dang they look like the same, just different colored lid! I just thought it was like 1% or something
You would think... this should be delicious, butter + milk
But your thinking would be wrong!  That stuff was horrible
Tasted literally just like spoiled milk
In fact I just poured the whole thing into the sink, and the entire kitchen just smelled absolutely awful for like the next half hour, I about gagged as I was pouring it
It was quite the experience

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