Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lake Havasu Memorial Weekend

For Memorial Weekend we were lucky enough to go to Lake Havasu with Ashley's uncle and a couple family friends, it was a freaking amazing trip.
I don't even know how to explain the type of scene Lake Havasu is for Memorial Weekend, you're crawling around the lake on the boat, because there are sooooo many people there, and as rated by Playboy is the #1 Party location in the country for Memorial Day.  I would say that has to be pretty accurate by the amount of people there, it was absolute mayhem.  However, for most of the weekend, we really just kind of hung around the house and took the boat out a couple times.
Me and Ashley out on the boat.

Driving the boat out at the Lake.

Out on the Sea-Doo after some intense directions on how to not wreck it! :)

On the way home from Havasu we stopped by Ashley's Grandma's house in Palm Desert, it is such an amazing house, right on the edge of the golf course, with an awesome swimming pool and hot tub.  A couple hours into the drive it felt REALLY nice to hop into the pool and relax for a bit and then have dinner with her family.  Made for the nice ending to a great weekend.

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