Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lake Havasu!

Ok sorry this is going to be quick, but just qanted to get these up from the past weekend. It was such a blast me Ashley, her aunt and Uncle spent MLK weekend at Lake Havasu at their Lake House. (For more pictures please click on 'Pictures' up top)

This is Ashley's Grandma's Lake house out at Lake Havasu. Such an amazing place in the world, we rolled in around 1 in the morning or so, would have been earlier if I hadn't gotten pulled over going 80 on an entirely deserted desert road (deserted desert road yep I said it.) So that will cost a nice penny. From where I am taking the picture, the lake is right behind me.

Me and Ashley hanging out on the front deck. I believe this was in the middle of her beating me 7 times in a row in Cribbage. It was un real. I did go on to bring the series a little closer ending the weekend at 8-3 but she was killing it in cards for sure.

Me and Ashley sitting on the boat out in front of the London Bridge. News to me that this is actually the famous London Bridge, it apparently is no longer falling down in Lake Havasu. They brought it all they way from London and set it up here.

Me and Ashley on the boat just cruising around the lake in 75 degree weather in the middle of January, not another boat on the lake, it was gorgeous.

I was lucky enough to take the 4 wheeler out with Uncle John. Took me a minute to get the hang of it, but once I figured out the shifting, it was awesome. I really need to get myself a 4 wheeler for sure, those thinigs are amazingly fun. I was nothing to compare with John on his Dirt Bike though, maybe someday I'll give one of those a shot.

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